Asset Valuation & Management

Understand future value and uncertainty for generation, storage, renewable, and financial assets individually or at the portfolio level.
For robust valuation of thermal generating assets, wind and solar farms, storage facilities, and full or partial requirements load contracts, a simulation-based approach is a must. offers several analytic simulation frameworks for understanding asset value and uncertainty down to the sub-hourly level.
Bottom-up valuation beginning with hourly/sub-hourly simulations of price, generation, and load.
Asset- and portfolio-level diversification and hedge effectiveness assessment.
Extrinsic value quantification (value of uncertainty) relative to day-ahead and real-time energy markets.
cQuant’s simulation-based approach not only provides a calculation of expected future asset value, but also reveals the true uncertainty in this estimate. This contrasts with deterministic forecasting approaches that provide no insight into just how likely the future value is to be realized. By simulating a broad range of possible future scenarios with a probability of occurrence attached to each,’s valuation solution paints a complete picture of asset value and risk, providing actionable insight to enable better operational decision-making and risk mitigation strategies.
With rigorous simulation modeling, uncertainty quantification, and an efficient, easy-to-use interface, provides you with the analytical power you need to be confident in your asset valuations.
Use cases
Thermal Generating Asset Valuation
Assess future value, cash flow, and uncertainty for dispatchable thermal energy generating assets.
Use cases
Renewable Project Valuation
Forecast future production value and understand revenue uncertainty from new or existing solar and wind projects.